Monday, September 8, 2008

What to write on?

From past 3-4 days i was thinking to update my blog, to write something. Today as i could not resist myself to avoid myself from one of my favorite past time had a cup of coffee sitting infront of laptop, i logged in my blogspot account to give a try on it. But the question was on what ?I thought to write on various current burning political topics or some social awareness topics but could not get the feel to write.

I asked prajakta to help me out of this baffled state of mind and suggest me something which i can use to carry my thoughts out. As expected she came out with some stupid ideas like flower, color etc GOD knows from where she gets those ideas. And suddenly from no where she said why dont u write on the topic "what to write ?" On reading the message my mind got stuck "wow this is something the kind i wanted."

Isn't sometimes it's important to think on this state of my mind where we want to do something but unable to do bcause we don't know from where to start? Yes thats the most important step of doing anything i.e. to find from where we should start. There are many people including me who gets jammed in this step of accomplishing any task. People know they want to do something but most of the time get stuck on the question from where should i start? If you look at individuals who could not make their job done, you would find most of them couldnot because of this reason. They could not find the right way from where to start? They could blame it on scarcity of resources or luck factor etc but the real reason most of them didnot able to make their job done because they could not find the starting point.

Well i wanted to write a lot but i think today my mind is stuck with too many random thoughts to come out of the baffled state to write something. I guess i should relax a bit and then start writing. My heart wants to write but mind isnot supporting it.
Sorry peeps.